Click on the note or measure where you want your pasted selection to begin.A blue rectangle highlights the region you selected.

Shift+ Click on the last note or measure that you want to select.Click on the first note or measure that you want to select.Apply a Copy or Cut option (see table above).Hold down Shift and click on a note in the chord.You can cut, copy, paste or swap notes as follows: Copy or cut Press the Esc key to exit into normal mode. Note: Before carrying out a copy, cut, paste or swap procedure, you should be in normal mode. Using one of the standard keyboard shortcuts.From the menu displayed by right-clicking on an element or range of elements.From the Edit menu (above the document window).Other score elements: such as articulations, staff text, dynamics, fingering etc.Ĭopy/cut/paste/swap commands are accessed in three ways:.to repeat a section of music, or shift a passage by a beat or a measure. These commands can be applied to a range of: MuseScore supports standard copy, cut, paste and swap with clipboard operations.